International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan) Information Letter International Scientific-practical Conference “problems Of Understanding Islam In The Process Of Globalization”

Based on the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 101-f of March 7, 2022 and the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 08/1-824 of April 11, 2022, the letter of the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers No. 02-03 / 2656 of April 13, 2022 In order to study and promote the role of Islamic civilization in Central Asia, on May 27, 2022 at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan will be held an international scientific-practical conference on “Problems of understanding Islam in the process of globalization”
Professors, young scientists, researchers wishing to participate in this conference have to submit scientific theses in Uzbek, Arabian, Russian and English languages until May 25, 2022.
– Inter-confessional accord and overcoming radicalism;
– Intra-confessional dialogue in the Muslim community: past, present and future;
– Scientific, methodological and information exchange of Uzbek and foreign scientists with achievements in the development of higher Islamic education;
– Traditions and modern trends in the development of Islamic theological thought: domestic and foreign experience of Muslim communities.
Information for the authors
Abstracts of reports submitted to the conference will be published in the form of an electronic scientific collection. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the text of the thesis. Theses that do not meet the specified directions and do not meet the requirements will not be included in the collection.
Requirements for the text of the thesis:
- The title of the article is written in capital letters from above, after an interval the author’s surname, name, place of work (university), as well as a contact phone number are written, after an interval the text is given;
- Text size – 5 to 7 pages on A-4 paper, text format – Microsoft Word, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing 1.5 spacing, top and bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm, 1.5 cm from the right;
- The literature used in the preparation of the thesis is given in the form of a link (footnote) under each page.
- Theses are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. Translations of annotations using online resources (Google Translate, etc.) must be necessarily edited for linguistic and semantic correctness.
- All submitted materials are tested using the “Antiplagiat” tool (originality – not less than 70%).
- Electronic copies of theses are submitted to the organizing committee of the conference. An electronic copy of the article and the thesis can be sent by
Telegram to @SaidafzalSaidjalolov (+99890) 036-27-44.
Organizational Committee address:Abdulla Qodiri 11, (postal code 100011) Tashkent, Uzbekistan. International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Department of Islamic Studies and Chair for the Study of Islamic Civilization ICESCO. Phone: (+99897) 036-27-44, (+99899) 484-75-76.