Mozambique (Catholic University of Mozambique) The Extension of the Catholic University of Mozambique held the III Scientific Conferences

The Extension of the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), in Maputo, will hold on October 28, 2022, the III Scientific Days under the motto: “No one can think that the weakening of the family as the natural society founded on marriage is something that benefits society” (Amoris Laetitia, n. 52).
The event began with an opening prayer, led by the Director of Extension of the UCM, Maputo, Prof. Doctor Father Virgílio Arimateia Domingos, SJ. Then, the Director invited the Magnificent Rector of the UCM, Prof. Doctor Father Filipe Sungo, to deliver his opening speech. Where, he thanked the entire academic community for the collective effort, and everyone who accepted the invitation and were present, he also thanked all faculty and non-teaching staff who joined the III Scientific Journeys of the UCM Extension, in Maputo. And with these words, he declared the III Scientific Journeys open.
The event was attended by Bishop Emeritus of Nacala, Dom Germano Grachane, as the 1st Keynote Speaker, having presented the theme: “University and University Extension: place of integral and humanizing formation of vulnerable families in times of crisis.”
And from Prof. Doctor Tomaz Salomão, Chairman of Standard Bank, as the 2nd Keynote Speaker, having presented the theme: “A look at economic sustainability in a time of financial crisis in Mozambique.”
The two main speakers were part of the prison together with the Magnificent Rector of the UCM, the Director of Extension of Maputo and the Deputy Director of Pedagogical.
In this perspective, the various themes were presented subsequently, respecting the intervals for questions, interventions and debates.
Text: Dinea Vanila Matias
Images: Jordan Marizane