University of the Western Cape (South Africa) Nedbank presidential youth employment initiative seminar at UWC

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) hosted a seminar with Nedbank for its Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) interns on Monday, 28 November 2022. The seminar was held to motivate and encourage the interns on their job search.
The seminar opened with the chief operating officer at Nedbank Group Limited, Mr Mfundo Nkuhlu. Mr Nkuhlu joined the seminar via zoom due to previous engagements, and spoke on the aftermath of COVID-19 on the economy which resulted in a rise in inflation, Mr Nkuhlu made mention of how an individual’s income does not accommodate for the rise or increase in inflation. Unemployment for Mr Nkuhlu is a serious issue that needs to be addressed as South Africa’s unemployment rate is at 35%.
Mr Grant Kelly, an executive in the office of the chief operating officer at Nedbank, was another speaker at the seminar. He gave a thoroughly motivating talk on career aspirations, saying that the interns should never drift from where they want to be. Mr Kelly made mention of quotes from various authors to inspire the interns.
“The SAN people had a saying: ‘There are two types of hunger in the world, the great hunger and the little hunger. The Great hunger is sapiens innate need for connection, community, contribution and for meaning, the little hunger is the need for food and such’…” Kelly said that even though there is a need to fill the little hunger, always strive to fulfil your great hunger.
The seminar was concluded by Mr Meko Magida, Executive Director of UWC’s Human Resources department, as he continued motivating the interns.
“As an individual you look for a job, you’ll be employed, which is a role in society. It does not end there; it’s about moving beyond that.”