University of Sonora (Mexico) Prevention and timely diagnosis of HIV are important: Solano Cuevas

Jesús Alberto Rubio
Every December 1, the World Day for the Fight Against HIV is commemorated, a date on which the right to health is remembered, to receive information for the prevention of this contagion, as well as the application of the appropriate methods , stated Dr. Ilse G. Solano Cuevas, head of the Student Health Program of the Student Support Directorate of the University of Sonora.
This date, she commented, is when we have to unite the most to support people who have been diagnosed with this disease, as well as promote the prevention of the spread of this virus.
“And, although new infections appear every day, we also already have multiple supports for prevention and timely diagnosis,” she warned.
He said that it is important to remember the ways in which HIV infection can be avoided, initially stressing the use of barrier methods of contraception, such as female and male condoms (these must be used, even if they are under treatment with a contraceptive method). hormonal planning) since they are the only ones who can avoid contact with the virus.
In the same way, Solano Cuevas added, another preventive way is to avoid high-risk relationships and other behaviors such as the use of drugs.
To detect the possibility of contact and possible infection by this virus, he indicated that there are currently rapid detection tests, which are very easy to perform, called rapid HIV tests.
“These tests can be found in health centers, hospitals and, fortunately, in mobile health modules and health care area for students within our alma mater,” he asserted.
Inegi and statistics
The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) points out in a document that it was in 1988 when the General Assembly of the United Nations declared December 1 as the World Day of the Fight against AIDS with the aim of increasing the awareness about the disease, combat its stigma, improve education around the issue and mobilize resources for a global response to the epidemic.
The organization offers statistical information with indicators related to the prevalence, mortality and treatment of HIV/AIDS in our country.
According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), 38.4 million people are living with HIV. Of these, 1.5 million contracted it in 2021 and approximately 680,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses.
During 2021, 4,662 HIV-related deaths were registered in Mexico. Of these, 3,896 (83.6%) corresponded to men and 766 (16.4%) to women.
For the year in question, the mortality rate from this cause was 3.7 per 100,000 inhabitants; 6.3 in the case of men (for every 100 thousand men) and 1.2 in women (for every 100 thousand women).