Sudan (University of Sinnar) Signing Of A Cooperation Agreement Between Sennar University And The Islamic University Mombasa Branch In Kenya

Signing of a cooperation agreement between Sennar University and the Islamic University Mombasa Branch in Kenya …
In the presence of the Rector of Sennar University, Prof. Banga Hassan Mohammed, the Director of the Public Relations Department, Mr. Yasser Abdullah, and the Director of the Department of Informatics and Computing, the Bedouin Engineer Othman Kadas, signed a cooperation agreement in graduate studies and scientific research between Sennar University and the Islamic University – Mombasa, Kenya, where the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in charge of Dr. Adel Abdul Hamid signed on behalf of Sennar University and signed by the Islamic University Mr. Abu Bakr bin Abdu bin Abi Bakr, Umbasa Branch Officer.