Chile (University of Santiago) ILO Chile makes a new and important donation of books to the Technological Faculty

The office of the International Labor Organization (ILO) for the Southern Cone of Latin America, through the library and information management unit, in charge of Mrs. Patricia Bustos, made for the fourth time, a donation of 168 books that address the themes of: employability, labor market, productive development – labor formalization, inclusive business, gender and labor market, business consulting, labor migration, decent work, child labor, labor panorama in Latin America and the Caribbean, cooperatives and sustainable development, among others.
It is worth mentioning that this donation of books by the ILO Office in Chile, was channeled by the Deanship and the Dept. of Management Technologies and will complement the bibliography of the careers of Technology in Personnel Administration, Industrial Administration and Lic. in Organization and Technological Management, mainly. In any case, these texts will be available in the specialized library of the Faculty of Technology so that they are available to the entire academic and student community.