Chile (University of Santiago) Academic Dr. Julio González Candia elected new Dean of the Faculty of Technology

Last Thursday, May 11, the academic and current director of the Department of Management Technologies, Dr. Julio González Candia, was elected as the new Dean.
The voting and counting of votes that took place in the conference room of the Technological Faculty, had the participation of 48 academic voters, among which 31 votes were counted in favor of Julio González, Director of the Department of Management Technologies, 16 votes in favor of José Luis Llanos, academic of the Department of Agrarian Management. The vote also had 1 blank and 0 invalid votes.
According to the elected Dean, who assumes the administration of the Technological Faculty on June 15, the main challenges for the new deanship will be related to projecting the unit internationally, continuing with the complexity of the training offer, generating greater collaborative work spaces and improving the work environment.
The academic stressed that an important task would be to “implement more collaborative workspaces. I would like us to have a physical dependency that serves to promote the joint work of the academic community of the various units, where we are not separated by offices, but we can integrate into a co-working space, to encourage creativity and innovation, “said González.
Likewise, he mentions that improving the coordination spaces between the Deanship and the Academic Departments of the Faculty will be a key measure in the new management.
He also comments that it was together with a team of more than fifteen academics in a first phase, who worked on the ideas expressed in the work proposal for this new period, the two main initiatives are aimed at projecting the Faculty, and working based on realistic or viable ideas and with impact on the internal and external environment.
“As we expressed in the program, we want a more complex Faculty in terms of training offer, that is linked more strategically with the environment, that we continue to increase research and add new people to this dimension, and that in teaching we continue to do it as well as we do, but injecting more resources and actions that allow us, For example, in an upcoming accreditation I will no longer have only one career with seven years, but two or three in the near future, “said the academic.
Regarding the link with students, Dr. González highlights the importance of incorporating them into the decision-making spaces of the Faculty, so that they know and understand how the institution works and its complexity given its nature as a public organization.
“I am interested in building a community of the Faculty, where we are the academics, the officials, and also the students. There are spaces for participation that exist, and that today are not being used. We have to promote constant participation and I will be working there from day one,” he emphasizes.
Regarding his motivations to apply as the new Dean, he mentions the conviction to continue working on the development and projection of the Faculty of Technology, highlighting the importance of building a harmonious community, to begin to work fully on the challenges toThese are mentioned.
Regarding how he received the news, he mentions the support he felt from the community of the Faculty of Technology.
“I am still very excited about the results of the election, receiving the trust of your peers, who are the ones who vote and also to feel the tremendous appreciation on the part of the officials, of those who have known me since I was a student of the former Technological School.” And finally, he adds: “I want to take the opportunity to extend my greetings to Professor José Luis Llanos, because I believe that competition and putting ideas on the table will always be something convenient for the Faculty, and I hope that we continue working together to build a better Technological Faculty and contribute synergistically to the University, “said Dr. Julio González Candia.