University of Aveiro (Portugal) TEMA’s Mechanical Testing Laboratory distinguished with quality seal

Following the eiC Certifying Entity audit for the renewal of the Quality Management System (SGQ) certification, according to NP EN ISO 9001:2015, the Mechanical Testing Laboratory (LEM) of the Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA), a research unit of the University of Aveiro (UAveiro), strengthens the status of the Laboratory with a quality seal, for another three-year cycle.
The certification of LEM since October 2019 reflects the way it conducts its activity, aiming at the continuous improvement of its services and ensuring credible and quality results to its clients, whether they are students, researchers, research projects or companies.
Motivated by the LEM certification, the TEMA remains committed to attracting resources, optimizing the existing ones, and ensuring the permanent adequacy of its policy and quality objectives to the needs of its students and researchers.