Congo (Université Marien Ngouabi) Software donational by petroleum experts limited society to master in petroleum engineering

The Higher National Polytechnic College (ENSP) at Marien N’Gouabi University is going to receive an important package of software very soon donated by Petroleum Experts Limited Society located in Edinburg (UK). The two institutions will sign the exploitation agreement of this software.
ENSP trains engineers and higher technicians in various fields of industry. Under this context, Master in Petroleum Engineering, speciality : Production, has been opened joint with Total E & P Congo. Four (04) promotions have successfully graduated since its opening. Further to the existence of this Master. ENSP addressed a request to Petroleum Experts Limited Society, specialized in the development of software dedicated to the petroleum industry. This society agreed to donate the following software :
This package of sofware, well-known in the field of production will notably enhance the training quality of learners registered for the Master in Petroleum Engineering. For each software, the Petroleum Experts Limited Society provides ten (10) one year renewable licences in joint agreement. The total amount of this donation comes to £ 1 441 964.77 that is FCFA 1 081 778 584.70.