Universitas Islam Indonesia ( Indonesia) UII Best Private University for Research Performance

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) topped the rank among private universities in Indonesia in terms of the assessment result of research performance 2016 – 2018. This assessment result of research performance is mentioned in the Decision Letter of Directorate General of Research and Development Corroboration Number B/5678/E1.2/H.M.00.03/2019 dated 13 November 2019 regarding Clustering of Higher Education based on Research in 2016 – 2018.
UII earned the predicate of Independent university cluster in research sector in the abovementioned ranking. Universities in this cluster may have the opportunity to access research funding from the government up to 30 Billion Rupiahs. There are currently 14 private universities at the least in Independent cluster, including UII. Other than Independent cluster, universities are also categorized into Primary, Mid-Level and Guided clusters.
UII’s achievement repeated the same one two years ago. At that time, UII was also the best private higher education institution in Indonesia in research performance.
Performance ranking was conducted by the Directorate of Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to measure research performance of higher education institutions in Indonesia. Higher education institutions are required to report the data of their research performance through Community Development and Research Information System.
Rector of UII, Fathul Wahid, Ph.D stated that, “UII should be grateful that Allah made it easy to maintain research performance. UII is still the best. Alhamdulillah.”
Meanwhile, the Director of Research and Community Development (DPPM) UII, Dr.Eng. Hendra Setiawan, S.T., M.T. expressed his gratitude for this achievement. In his opinion, this is the result of hard work of every single civitas academia in both faculty and department levels.
He mentioned that there are four assessment components that become the main highlight of research performance. These are research resources, research management, research output and revenue generation or profit of the research in a commercial implementation.
“It is certainly not easy to maintain such achievement amidst the rising number of higher education institutions that numbers around 1977 higher educations, both private and public. But in the future, we are committed to work harder to generate more optimal result because the trend of competition is certainly getting tighter,” he added.
Hendra explained that one of the challenges is to encourage lecturers to have passion in doing research. One of the main obstacles is the complexity of administrative process to conduct research, starting creating a proposal, researching, publishing research and reporting.
Therefore in the future, he is ready to hold a routine research proposal-making clinic for lecturers to increase the number of research proposals.
On the other hand, Director of Research and Community Development from the Directorate General of Research and Community Development in Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc in his letter, extended his highest appreciation for the hard work that the universities have done to report research performance. He also expected the universities that has obtained highest predicate to maintain it and those that have not should always struggle to improve their performance.