Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico) Hidalgo Delegation Achieves Four Medals in National Chemistry Olympiad

* The Autonomous of Hidalgo is responsible for chairing the state delegation, in addition to instructing the selected
*“Since the state of Hidalgo began to participate in these chemistry Olympics, throughout these 16 years, medals have been brought in all editions,” said Erick Gerardo Rojo
* The entity has 64 medals in the national stage: 30 bronze, 21 silver and 13 gold
Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo. – The students of the baccalaureate level who integrated the Delegation of Hidalgo and were instructed by the Academic Area of Chemistry of the Institute of Basic Sciences and Engineering (ICBI) of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), managed to conquer two bronze medals, one silver and one gold in the XXXII National Chemistry Olympiad, same that was held at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in person.
The UAEH professor and member of the Organizing Committee of the XVI State Chemistry Olympiad 2022, Erick Gerardo Rojo Gómez, said: “Since the state of Hidalgo began to participate in these chemistry Olympics, throughout these 16 years, medals have been brought in all editions; Until this last edition of 2022 we have a total of 64 medals. Throughout all the editions, the delegations made up of high school students from public and private institutions have brought 30 bronze medals, 21 silver and 13 gold.
In the XVI State Chemistry Olympiad of Hidalgo participated about 300 students of all upper middle levels of Hidalgo, but various evaluations were made to select the four best scores to integrate this state delegation, which competed against 124 students from all over the country, in topics such as Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry.
“All the teachers who support the boys are very proud. The fact that every year the state of Hidalgo is bringing medals in these chemistry Olympics fills us with pride and really demonstrates the commitment that we teachers have with young people to continue supporting them and promoting this taste for science, as at the time we were in these contests, “said the professor of this house of studies.
This delegation was made up of Daiam Villalobos Huerta, a student of the fifth semester of the Canadian Institute High School in Tula de Allende, who won the gold medal and is a national preselection; the silver medal was won by Andrés Jardinez Mota, a fifth semester student at the College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Hidalgo (CECyTEH) Plantel Agua Blanca.
While the bronze medals were won by Perla Marysol Peña Reséndiz and Katia Lozano, the first of fifth semester and the second of third, in the Center for Scientific and Technological Studies Number 16 of Hidalgo.
Daiam said, “I really enjoyed participating, because personally I made amazing friends who started out as teammates. I also met people who are an admiration, because those who taught us teach with passion, they gave me incredible classes and their teaching methods are very good; What I took in school is not close to what they teach, and academically I liked learning at this accelerated pace of learning, that’s what I liked about the Olympics makes me get out of the routine of school where learning is quite monotonous. ”
Meanwhile, Andrés commented: “It is a good experience because I imagined it as a competition, but living together, meeting people and making friends is to my liking. Personally, I showed myself that I am capable of many things. I loved chemistry and in the future I would like to study medicine because I like to deal with people and help them to give people more opportunities.”
For her part, Perla Marysol said: “The Olympiad meant a great academic challenge, because it was facing the best chemistry students in the state, so I always put discipline and perseverance to place myself among the top four, but it also helped me understand the reason for many things around us and made me opt for environmental problems … Thanks to the clean-up in the future I would like to be part of the scientific engineers who solve the problems that afflict society.”
Meanwhile, Katia Lozano said: “For me it was a challenge, but also a personal experience, because it was learning to organize my time and learning to work under pressure, because I was fulfilling in school, I left it to get to this University, it was complicated, but before I had not considered chemistry as a career, This helped me broaden my outlook and now I want to see it as something more, that is part of my life and does not remain as an Olympics.”
It is worth mentioning that the organizing committee of the State Chemistry Olympiad of Hidalgo is integrated by the professors of the Academic Area of Chemistry Gloria Sánchez Cabrera, María Elena Páez Hernández, Daniel Omar González Abrego and Luis Ángel Zárate Hernández.