Chile (Universidad Austral de Chile) Successful Open Day at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Massive attendance of students and the general public had the VII Open Day organized by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FCAA) of the Austral University of Chile together with their Agronomy and Food Engineering careers, an activity carried out on November 11 at the Isla Teja Campus.
On the occasion, students from primary and secondary schools in the Los Ríos Region were able to learn in a dynamic and interactive way the different fields of scientific work, teaching and services that this Faculty develops in the agri-food chain, with a sustainable approach. .
The activity was supported by the Explora Los Ríos Project, which developed its XIX Regional Congress on School Research and Innovation and included this event as part of its tour carried out at the UACh.
The coordinator of Links with the Environment of the FCAA, Dr. Silvana Bravo, valued the commitment and work of the professionals, officials and academics of this unit, which made it possible to publicize the capacities of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. in undergraduate and postgraduate training, in the area of services, students, human capital capacities and infrastructure.
For his part, the person in charge of Disseminating Careers of the FCAA, Agronomist Osvaldo Montenegro, thanked and appreciated the attendance of students from schools in this region, who, in addition to the interactive exhibition, were able to discover the Pilot Food Plant, tasting prepared yogurt especially for the occasion by Food Engineering students.
Units that participated
The five institutes that make up this Faculty participated in this activity: Institute of Agricultural Economics, Animal Production, Agricultural Engineering and Soils, Plant Production and Health, and Food Science and Technology (ICYTAL).
The laboratories that participated in these institutes were the following: Phytotechnics, Plant Crops and Tissues, Phytopathology, Phytochemistry, LACM, Soils, Entomology, Animal Nutrition, Raw Materials of Animal Origin, Food Biochemistry and Instrumental Analysis, in addition to the Pilot Plant food.
Likewise, samples of agroecological legumes, animals from the poultry production area, the Sheep Unit, the Bovine Unit and the Native Potato Germplasm Bank of the Austral Agricultural Experimental Station (EEAA) of the UACh were present.