Liberia (United Methodist University) President of the United Methodist University of Liberia speaks out

Rev. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono, PhD, President of the United Methodist University of Liberia is informing individuals, parents, partners, and the general public who do business with United Methodist University (UMU) that Mr. Dennis V. Smith former comptroller of the institution is no longer employed at the university. Therefore, no one should do business with him on behalf of the University. Mr. Smith served the United Methodist University of Liberia for over fifteen years and still has connections with partners and stakeholders of the university. He was relieved of his position in April 2021 by the Board of Directors of the university.
Dr. Gonway-Gono issued the statement on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at her office on the main campus of the university. “I want our partners especially those who owed this university to continue to support the UMU, because we need their help to improve the facility for our children to learn well. Dr. Gonway-Gono stressed that the doors of her administration are opened to the public and that the university does not work through third parties or field agents.
She pointed out that her administration is prepared to take the university to a new level by improving the administrative facilities and onward to the learning environment of the institution, adding, “we want for our partners, especially those who are sponsoring students through scholarships to meet up with their obligations so that we can pay our teachers and staff and give the United Methodist University of Liberia a facelift.” She also indicated that the institution is undertaking some administrative measures that will require the support of its partners at home and abroad.
Dr. Gonway-Gono who took over the leadership of the university on June 22, 2021, has since been involved in several consultative meetings with all sectors of the university. “I want our partners and other stakeholders as well as our students to accept my thanks and appreciation for the cordial ways we have interacted these few weeks of my time here. I look forward to more fruitful interactions as we endeavor to make the United Methodist University of Liberia a premier learning institution in Liberia,” she concluded.