Malawi (Unicaf University) Unicaf Hosts Successful Online Healthcare Lecture

The first virtual healthcare lecture titled “Increasing Healthcare Workforce Training – Keeping the Community Healthy” took place in Zambia under the direction of Unicaf. The event featured two guest speakers who are both medical professionals and leaders within their respective fields:
- Dr Wilson Mbewe – Kanyama Level One Hospital Medical Superintendent
- Dr Mzaza Nthele – General Surgeon with special interest in Trauma Surgery
Dr Marirajan Thiruppathi, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation officially opened the proceedings with a brief outline of what can be expected. In addition, he welcomed the highly esteemed speakers with a short history of their experiences, including insights as to how they see the medical profession in Zambia progressing.
The online event attracted 35 participants who took part in a fascinating and thought-provoking question and answer session with the two guest speakers. The two medical professionals discussed the best ways of keeping the Zambian community healthy and, along with their online audience, discussed different healthcare solutions in order to be able to reach this goal.
In addition, a lively debate followed whereby the speakers highlighted how healthcare management is not simply focused on curative measures but also how one must take various preventative actions into consideration.
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