Nigeria (Umaru Musa Yar’adua University) Invitation for Second Post UTME Aptitude Test

Umaru Musa Yar’adua University (UMYU) Katsina wishes to inform candidates who applied for the Second Post UTME Aptitude Test that the test has been scheduled to hold on Saturday 4th June 2022. Candidates are therefore advised to reprint their registration slip to avail themselves of the time and venue of the test.
Note that candidates who have not registered for the test can still register. Similarly, those who have missed the previously conducted test or have changed their choice of institution to UMYU as first choice can register for the test. However, such candidates have up to the mid night of Friday 3rd June 2022 to do so before the close of the registration portal
Registration or reprint of examination slip can be done via Post UTME/DE Portal