Nigeria (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) War, climate and food

Cary Fowler joins us for a lecture and debate on 5 December. Fowler is a former NMBU professor and Head of Research at Noragric, and is known as the founder of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Today, he is the US Special Envoy for Global Food Security. Fowler will highlight the challenges we all face when it comes to global food security.
Burning issue
As part of Fowler’s visit, NMBU invites you to a highly topical and important meeting on global food security.
“World hunger is increasing. Eradicating famine, and achieving food security and better nutrition are not only major focal points of NMBU, but perhaps the most important challenges facing the world today. I encourage as many people as possible to attend an inspiring afternoon about an unfortunately all too topical and burning issue: global food security,” says NMBU rector Curt Rice.
Many challenges
Fowler is joined by NMBU seed security expert Ola Westengen as well as Lise Albrechtsen, Special Envoy for Climate Adaptation and Food Security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here in Norway. Together, they will address global food security and how we can deal with the many challenges for global food security, nutrition and food systems.
“Food security has never been higher on the international agenda than now. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – referred to as Europe’s breadbasket – worsened an already critical situation. I’m looking forward to this important talk and panel discussion about the ongoing crisis and how countries such as the USA and Norway face it,” says Westengen, an Associate Professor and co-leader of NMBU’s Arena for Sustainable Food Systems.
The event is open for all. Register here
Streamed event, watch the event online
Program (the event will be held in English):
Date: Monday 5th December 2022. 14:00 – 15:45
Place: Bikuben (Gullvepsen), NMBU, Ås
- Welcome by NMBU rector Curt Rice
- Keynote by Cary Fowler, Special Envoy for Global Food Security, U.S. Department of State:
The Global Food Security Crisis: What role for research and universities? - Comments by Lise Albrechtsen, Special Envoy for Climate Adaptation and Food Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- Comments by Jennifer Joy West, Head of NMBU’s Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric
- Panel discussion with questions from the audience – led by Ola Westengen, co-leader of NMBU’s Sustainable Food Systems Arena
- Refreshments and mingling