Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico) Take off Expedition! They build a new innovation space at the Tec

Phase 2 of distritotec begins with the construction of the Expedition, a building that will be located on the Monterrey campus with which it seeks to promote innovation and entrepreneurship

Amultidisciplinaryspace betweenacademia, industry and societythat generatesknowledge based on science and technologyto providesolutionsto the challenges thathumanitywill face is the one thatTec de Monterreyproposes with the newExpedition building.

This buildingwill connectlocal, national and internationalspecialists to carry out scientific andinnovative activity andthus forge afeasible lifefor the next100 years.

“With the creation of this space we endorse the commitment of the Tec that was raised in our Strategic Plan (2025), we will also advance in our goal of being a university whose impact transcends even more”, explainedJosé Antonio Fernández Carbajal, president of the Board of Directors of the Tec.


Tec authorities gathered at the 'launch' of the first stone of the Expedition.
Tec authorities gathered at the ‘launch’ of the first stone of the Expedition.


With the construction of the Expedition, the institutionstarts phase 2ofdistritotecand itstransformationinto aninnovation districtwhich includes approximately280 thousand m2of real estate development.

“Today, through the initiative we have called ‘leading the expedition way’ we will fosterthe collaboration of innovative and entrepreneurial minds.

“We will do this so that they carry out this type of research and become ventures and applications to promote economic, social and environmentaldevelopment,” saidDavid Garza Salazar, rector and executive president of Tec.

He added that thename Expeditionwas intended topromote projects of high impact and valuefor the state, the region, the country and the world.


“With the creation of this space we endorse the commitment of the Tec that was raised in our Strategic Plan”.- José Antonio Fernández


‘Take off’ first stone of the Expedition

Adronewas in charge of laying thefirst stoneon the plate where the new Expedition building will be located, this during theconstruction start ceremony.

The event held onNovember 29in the Main Hall of the Rectory brought togetherauthorities, researchers, professorsand various members of theTec communitywho through a ‘space experience’ lived the beginning of thisnew stage.


Description Expedition levels 

“La pérdida habitacional fue el punto de partida para re imaginarnos y reconocernos como parte integral de esta comunidad vecinal. Hoy nuestro distrito aumentó la población 56%”, mencionó Eva Garza, presidenta del Comité de distritotec.

Aseguró además que con esta evolución buscan fomentar una sociedad mejor con cambios significativos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y la promoción de una vida saludable.


“A través de la iniciativa que hemos llamado ’liderando el camino de la expedición’ impulsaremos la colaboración de mentes innovadoras”.- David Garza


Por su parte, Lorena Guillé-Laris, directora Ejecutiva de Fundación FEMSA resaltó la importancia de este espacio de innovación.

“Fundación FEMSA y el Tecnológico de Monterrey tienen una larga historia de impulsar el conocimiento e innovación.

“El arranque de este proyecto, es un peldaño importante en nuestra apuesta por la innovación que necesita América Latina”, mencionó.

The event was held in the Main Hall of the Rectory of the Monterrey campus.
The event was held in the Main Hall of the Rectory of the Monterrey campus.

Learn More about Expedition

This newspaceformeeting, exchange and connectionis estimated to be completed in2024.

It will have sevenlevelsof which thefirst two floorswill be open to the public, andfrom three to sevenwill be private spaces and specialized in the generation of useful knowledgeandvalue for society.

  • Level 1, “The Door to the Future”, will house the Science Gallery, Concept Restaurant and Experimental Shop.
  • Level 2, “Community with Purpose,” will host Venture Café, an Incubator, and a Maker Space.
  • Level 3, “Knowledge in action”, will feature private labs, an accelerator and a Fintech lab.
  • Level 4, “Institute for the Future of Education”, space dedicated to research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Level 5, “Institute for Obesity Research”, space for the physical, mental and emotional health of the individual.
  • Level 6, “Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing”, a space that seeks to join efforts to create more sustainable materials and processes.
  • Level 7, “Feasible life in 100 years”, space dedicated to generating solutions to the environmental, social, economic and political problems that the planet is experiencing.

Get to know the building on a virtual tour by clickinghere.


“The start of this project is an important step in our commitment to innovation”.- Lorena Guillé-Laris


Science Gallery Monterrey Presented

JUMPSTARTis the name of the firstpop-up exhibitionon theMonterrey campus, aimedat attracting and presentingtheScience Gallery project to the public.

This gallery will belocatedon thefirst floor of the new Expedition buildingand will include works bylocal artists, the international network of Science Gallery is theonly global university networkdedicated to publicengagementwithscience and art.

“Science Gallery is an example of the work that different educational institutions can do around art and science,” saidSarah Durcan, director of Science Gallery International.



Science Gallery Monterrey is the latest addition to theinternational network of Science Gallery, which currently has offices inDublin, London, Melbourne, Bengaluru, Berlin, RotterdamandAtlanta.

This exhibition will showcaseworks on loan from the Universityof Melbourne’s Science GalleryMelbourne andEmory University’s Science Gallery Atlanta.


“The loss of housing was the starting point to reimagine and recognize ourselves as an integral part of this community.” – Eva Garza


During the presentation event, thefirst official agreementwassignedbetweenTecnológico de Monterrey and Science Gallery International.

This firm was headed byDavid Garza Salazar, president and rector of Tec, Juan Pablo Murra, rector of Professional and Postgraduate, as well asSarah Durcan, director of Science Gallery International.