Hadhramout University (Yemen) HU Open Education Faculty Awards the Researcher Ahlam Omer Bin Humaid the MA Degree in Business Administration

The Viva- Voce examination on the MA thesis entitled The Effect of Re-engineering Administrative Operations in Achieving Competitive Priorities in Hadhramout University: A field study.
The examination was held in Art’s Faculty hall at Fuwa Colleges complex by the researcher Ahlam Omer Bin Humaid. The examination committee consisted of the Associate Professor Muhammad Hamam Bin Hamam; Chairperson& External Examiner- University of Aden, the Associate Professor Salah Omer Belkhair; Supervisor & Member and the Associate Professor Khalid Muhammad Al jabri; Internal Examiner- Hadhramout University. The committee praised the efforts made by the researcher and approved to award her the master’s degree in Business Administration.
On this special occasion, Student’s Affairs Deputyship congratulated the researcher for obtaining the MA degree which was represented by Dr. Salem Al-Obthany; Vice president for students affairs and Prof. Salem Bin Salman; Assistant Vice President for Students Affairs as well as Mr. Khalid Jamal; Director of the Vice President’s Office. It is worth mentioned that the researcher is the Director of the Communication Department at Students Affairs Deputyship of Hadhramout University and she is one of the outstanding employee in the department.