German University in Cario (Eygpt) Graduation of Class 2022 (Pharmacy, Arch., Civil)

On the 2nd of October 2022, GUC celebrated on campus the third day of the annual graduation celebrations that coincide this year with GUC’s 20th anniversary. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour along with GUC President Prof. Dr. Eng. Yasser Hegazy and Prof. Dr. Eng. Michael Weber, President of Ulm University and Member of GUC Board of Trustees welcomed graduates of Class 2022 that are awarded the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees, their parents and the attendees in their welcome speeches. This day was dedicated to the Faculties of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Architecture Engineering Program, and Civil Engineering Program.
The following eminent guest speakers gave the attendees speeches from the heart:
- H.E. Minister Prof. Dr. Mohamed Maait, Egyptian Minister of Finance
- H.E. Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Jens Brandenburg, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- H.E. Ambassador Frank Hartmann, German Ambassador to Egypt and Member of GUC’s Board of Trustees
- Dr. Kai Sicks, General Secretary of the German Academic Exchange Service -DAAD and Member of GUC’s Board of Trustees
- Dr. Alexander Haridi, Head of Study Abroad Information Department, German Academic Exchange Service -DAAD
This was followed by speeches by the Faculty Deans:
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Azizi, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology
- Prof. Dr. Moustafa Baraka, Program Director of the Civil Engineering Program
Then followed the valedictorians’ speeches:
- Rawan Amr Abdallah Ahmed Elmasri (Pharmacy and Biotechnology)
- Salma Alaaeldeen Abouelyazeed Kotb (Architecture Engineering)
- Mohanad Ayman Mohamed Hijazi (Civil Engineering)
GUC was also honored with the attendance of:
- Mr. Karam Gabr, Head of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation in Egypt
- Representatives of Educational and Economical Institutes in Germany
- Editors in Chief and Media Delegates
The GUC Pledge was conducted by Prof. Dr. Hans Breitinger, Head of the Biochemistry Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology.