Cameroon (University of Buea) Faculty of Education Workshop

Faculty of Education: Workshop for Academic staff and students on the New UB Thesis Guide.
Academic staff of the Faculty of Education participated in a workshop on the new UB thesis guide. The workshop took place at the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheater, on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
The aim of the workshop was to acquaint students and Academic staff with the content of the new thesis guide as well as other expectations that will lead to an improvement in the quality of thesis from the faculty of Education.
In her opening remarks the Dean, Professor Endeley Nalova welcomed participants and observed that the faculty was transiting from certain practices as far as Postgraduate students are concerned and after the workshop there will be no excuse on the part of a supervisor or student for not applying the new thesis guidelines. She noted that success in this endeavor requires a collective responsibility and a cordial supervisor-supervisee relationship.
Presentations included ordinances and decrees governing post-graduate studies, supervisor-supervisee relationship and roles, plagiarism, general structure and content of P.hD theses and master’s dissertations, grading of theses and dissertations, formatting and library deposit of theses and dissertations, and the content of the file for the request of theses and dissertation defenses.
The presentations were followed by a question and answer session.