Botswana (Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources) German Market Exploration TVET Study Tour in Botswana

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is conducting a market study tour for German businesses providing services in the TVET sector in the week of 25th -29th April 2022. The tour’s aim was to facilitate business contacts as well as to provide important impulses for possible future cooperation between private/public institutions in Botswana and German know-how in the sector of secondary/tertiary education and vocational training.
During the study tour meetings were held with various stakeholders in the country among other visits at academic and research institutions the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Recourses (BUAN), Botswana Open University (BOU), Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) and University of Botswana (UB) and Chamber of Mines plus exchanges with industry representatives.
The tour at BUAN was held on the 26th of April 2022 where faculty representatives met with BMWK representatives to share details on the university day to day services. BMWK also visited the Agricultural Biosystems and engineering and Animal Science laboratories to see the technologies that are in place and areas that need improvement. They were impressed with the state of the Agricultural Biosystems and engineering laboratories and were looking forward to working with BUAN in future.