Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Mexico) They give lecture “‘Cotton field sentence of the International Court of Human Rights; cases related to violence against women”” in the UACH

In the framework of the international day for the eradication of violence against women, at the Faculty of Law and the Coordination of University Liaisons, they presented the conference: “Cotton field sentence of the International Court of Human Rights; cases related to violence against women”.
Ruth Fierro Pineda, coordinator of the Center for Women’s Human Rights, who is also a graduate of the same faculty, was the one who presented this conference in which she talked about some cases where women’s human rights have been affected in Mexico.
”González y otras vs México”, ”Fernández Ortega y Rosendo Cantú vs México” and ”Women victims of sexual torture in Atenco vs Mexico”, are some of the topics that were touched on in this presentation that took place in the Oral Trials Room of the Faculty of Law.
César Gutiérrez, Director of this Faculty, as well as the Society of Students, Technical Advisors and University Councilors of the same faculty were present at the venue.