Argentina (University of San Andrés) The AAIP Participated in the Annual Conference on Personal Data UdeSA 2023

The head of the AAIP, Beatriz Anchorena, opened the 1st edition of the Annual Conference on Personal Data organized by the Center for Studies in Technology and Society (CETyS), the International Diploma in Data Protection (DPD) and the Center for Intellectual Property and Innovation (CPINN) of the University of San Andrés (UdeSA).
The presentation was in charge of the director of the Department of Law, María de Lourdes Vázquez, the director of the International Diploma in Data Protection, Pablo Palazzi, and the academic coordinator of said career, Mariano Peruzzotti, who also officiated as moderator.
In this context, Anchorena stressed that “less than a year ago we initiated an open, participatory and transparent process to build a Personal Data Protection bill that updates our current legislation. This project is the result of a commitment assumed by this management and has been presented in the Chamber of Deputies for its treatment. ”
In addition, he emphasized the importance of the project in the current context since “it addresses the new challenges posed by technological transformations and the development of the digital economy, from a situated and sovereign perspective.”
He also highlighted the orientation of the project towards “the strengthening of the regulatory capacity of the State and the development of concrete tools to manage the new realities, where data have become the main input of production processes.”
Towards the end of her speech, the head of the AAIP spoke about the next steps: “we hope to be able to put on the agenda this project that is structural for the whole society. We have to work hard for citizens to raise awareness about the protection of their personal data and what their rights are, and one way to reach everyone is to deploy alliances and promote spaces like this to work together with that objective. ”
The Annual Conference on Personal Data was attended by officials and referents from academia, business, public sector and civil society organizations, both nationally and internationally dedicated to the promotion of data protection and privacy policies and the development of digital processes in the public sphere of Latin America.