University of Ioannina (Greece) 9th masterclass in clinical oncology for residents of oncologic specialties: Workshops and case presentations

Dear Faculty experts, Dear trainees,
It is a pleasure and honour to welcome you all to Ioannina, the capital of Epirus and active cultural and scientific hub. Together, we shall provide focused training and information in key areas which are often not adequately covered in Oncology Curriculae or are by their nature difficult to teach in structured educational programs. We hope you enjoy this initiative, as well as the mountainous landscape of Epirus with its monuments, lakes, castles and churches.
This year’s Masterclass will be held in collaboration with the Department of Medical Oncology of the University of Ioannina DMO -UOI) and the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) with the support of the Hellenic Group of Young Oncologists (ONEO). Critical thinking and analysis, interaction and networking are the foundations and also the aims of this educational outreach, emanating from an academic oncology department of the Greek North-West. We are looking forward to social/scientific networking between young Greek and Swiss trainees and faculty, as well as an exchange of variations and common patterns in way oncology and research are practiced. We hope you enjoy and that we will see you again in further masterclass events.
Yours truly,
George Pentheroudakis Roger Von Moos
Professor of Oncology, DMO-UOI SAKK President