University of Geneva (Switzerland) Farewell Lecture – Solari 2022: Thursday, December 8

A Tale of Many Friendships:
When Econometrics met Human Development
Thursday, December 8, 2022 | 17:30 | Uni Mail, Room MR080
On the occasion of her Farewell Lesson, Professor Jaya Krishnakumar will share her passion for econometrics and human development as a guest speaker for the Solari 2022 Conference.
Every year, the Solari Conference welcomes experts in economics and econometrics, in memory of Luigi Solari, professor at the University of Geneva and pioneer of econometrics in Switzerland. Eminent economists and economists have participated in this conference since its first edition in 1979.
Jaya Krishnakumar is Full Professor of Econometrics at the Geneva School of Economics and Management. A graduate of the University of Geneva, she has been a member of the Faculty for 26 years. His research focuses on panel data econometrics, simultaneous equations, human development, and econometric models for multidimensional analysis of well-being. She has published articles in leading international journals in econometrics/economics, such as Econometric Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Health Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, Social Indicators Research, World Development, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Global Environmental Change, PLOS One, and [Nature] Scientific Reports. She has written, edited and contributed chapters to econometrics books published by Springer, Elsevier and Kluwer Academic. She has also contributed chapters to the Handbook of the Capability Approach (Cambridge University Press, CUP) and New Frontiers of the Capability Approach (CUP).
In addition to her research, she is a member of the Human Development and Capability Association and associate editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. She is a member of the UNEP-WCMC International Advisory Board of the Multidimensional Biodiversity Index and a regular member of UNDP’s Advisory Group for Human Development Reports. She was a member of the academic expert panel for the World Bank’s 2019 Women, Business and The Law Index, as well as an advisor for the SDG Action Manager launched by B-Lab in collaboration with the UN Global Compact in 2020.