Botswana (University of Botswana) Winning Best Poster Award

Professor Kevin N. Nwaigwe of the Department of Mechanical Engineering won the best poster award during the 2nd International Sustainable Energy Conference 2022 (ISEC 2022) held in Graz, Austria on April 5-7, 2022. The award-winning poster is titled ‘Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Flat Plate Collector using a Pumped Solar Water Heating System’.
The poster’s co-authors include Kabo Kashamba, Tlhalefo P. Letsholo, and Okatoseng T. Masso. The second edition of ISEC 2022 had over 550 registered participants and over 100 posters.
Announcing the award, the Poster Review Committee Chairman, Professor Dr Hans Schnitzer, noted that all seven members of the committee made an independent assessment of all posters and compiled a cumulative score. He noted that the best poster emerged from over 100 posters assessed. Professor Schnitzer congratulated Professor Nwaigwe for achieving this feat and for the outstanding research.
In his response, Professor Nwaigwe expressed his gratitude for his poster being voted the best and thanked the committee for the excellent review. He also thanked his students who worked under his supervision towards actualizing the work. Prof Nwaigwe promised to keep the research fire burning.
Prof Nwaigwe presented two posters and an oral paper during the conference. The award was presented during the closing ceremony of the conference, with over 500 participants on-site and many others online