University of Bologna (Italy) Right to education: the call for applications for rent subsidies to non-resident students is now online

The University will grant EUR 1,000 to 600 students enrolled in AY 2022/23 to provide further support to non-resident students returning to live in Bologna and in the Romagna Campuses

For the academic year 2022/2023, 600 financial subsidies of EUR 1,000 each have been announced to partially cover the cost of rent for non-resident students who have an ISEE (Economic Situation Indicator) between EUR 24,335.12 (new ISEE threshold for ER.GO scholarships + 0.1) and EUR 28,000.00. This will facilitate part of the student population that cannot access ER.GO’s benefits, who can as well face difficult economic conditions.
Terms and requirements can be found in the call (deadline 30/12/2022)