Ivory Coast (Université Pelefero Gon Coulibaly) Revision of electoral lists The IEC raises awareness at Peleforo University GON COULIBALY

The University Peleforo GON COULIBALY (UPGC) of Korhogo received the visit of regional officials of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 in order to sensitize the university population to the activity of registration on the electoral lists.
The President of the University Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Professor COULIBALY Adama surrounded for the occasion by his closest collaborators, received the visit of a regional delegation from the CIS on November 22, 2022. This delegation led by Mr. ADOU Patrick is came to inform the authorities of the UPGC on its activities, in particular the revision of the electoral lists which officially began on November 19, 2022. Receiving the delegation, Professor COULIBALY Adama expressed his gratitude to the CEI and welcomed the relevance of the approach: “enrolment is a civic act, a republican act for all citizens, even a duty. It is true that in a democracy if you want to express your choice, your vote, you must have been regularly registered on the electoral list. In any case, at the UPGC, consider that you will always find in us the persons in charge an attentive ear to effectively relay your concerns to the whole of the university community. Moreover, the choice made on the universities within the framework of this campaign demonstrates that this institution represents an important entity of our society of which it constitutes the ferment…”, deciphered in substance Professor COULIBALY Adama. He also called on the various officials of the UPGC to get involved in this 2022 enrollment process. Mr. ADOU Patrick, head of the delegation, also head of the Regional Branch of the CIS, delighted with the warm welcome given to his delegation by the authorities of the UPGC, headed by Professor COULIBALY Adama. This enrollment operation primarily targets people who have changed their place of residence and new adults. Mr. ADOU therefore invited the administrative authorities of the UPGC and especially the students to register in the electoral process through this activity of revision of the electoral list which, it should be remembered, will take place from November 19 to 10 December 2022. Immediately, the President of the UPGC made a space available to the IEC for the purpose of raising awareness among the university population.