Universitas Islam Indonesia (Indonesia) Four UII Study Program Received AUN-QA Accreditation Certificate

Modestly organized, the certificate delivery ceremony was attended by Rector of UII, Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Deputy Rector for Academic and Research Development, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., Deputy Rector for Resources and Career Development, Dr. Zaenal Arifin, M.Si., Deputy Rector for Student, Religious and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag., and also deans and/or representatives of departments.
In his addressing speech, Fathul Wahid explained that the AUN-QA accreditation is part of UII’s internationalization, and he also retold the dynamics of how UII passed AUN-QA Accreditation. “UII’s introduction to AUN-QA began in 2011. And then in 2015, UII sent 11 lecturers from 5 faculties to participate in AUN-QA Training in Bangkok, Thailand. This is the requirement to become an associated member (AUN-QA),” Fathul revealed.
The process of accreditation from membership submission to AUN-QA accreditation preparation is carefully monitored by Quality Assurance Body (BPM) at UII. BPM UII also provided intensive assistance to these four study program enlisted in the visitation schedule by the assessors of AUN-QA.
About AUN-QA
AUN is a university association in ASEAN countries established in November 1995 (Mulyono, 2018). Its objective is to raise the standard quality for universities in ASEAN, while its main activity is to manage educational cooperation and development in strengthening regional integration to achieve global standard. AUN-QA itself referred to the international accreditation standard formulated by QA experts in ASEAN, led by National University of Singapore.
There are 11 criteria in AUN-QA assessment: (1) Expected Learning Outcome, (2) Programme Specification, (3) Programme Structure and Content, (4) Teaching and Learning Approach, (5) Student Assessment, (6) Academic Staff Quality, (7) Support Staff Quality, (8) Student Quality and Support, (9) Facilities and Infrastructure, (10) Quality Enhancement, dan (11) Output.
In Desember 2016, after going through various processes, UII officially became a member of AUN-QA. “It doesn’t stop there, in 2017 through a grant program from Academic Development Body (BPA UII), the department of Industrial Engineering began to develop itself into an international study program, followed by other departments, like Psychology and Law in 2018,” Fathul Explained.
“In 2018, these 4 departments agreed to submit AUN-QA Certification. After submitting, visitation is conducted in February 2019. Shortly after that, after 1 month and 10 days, we received the news that the result of AUN-QA assessment indicated that the four study programs at UII are adequate and passed the certification,” as Fathul reminisced the moment. In May, the certificate was printed, and through several processes, at 7 November 2019, the certificate arrived at UII.
Fathul interpreted this long journey as an appreciation for lengthy work that aligns with the university’s mission in quality improvement and quantity management, and that it needs to be maintained. Lastly, Fathul, on behalf of the entire UII community, expressed his gratitude to everybody who has been involved from the start until UII obtained AUN-QA certification. (IG/ESP)