Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) Invest: winter school with the topic: post code – potential of sustainable tourism in community development

21st of November, the on-site phase of Winter school with the topic: „POST CODE – POtential of Sustainable Tourism in COmmunity DEvelopment“ organized by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra within the INVEST European Alliance – Erasmus+ K2 European Universities project has begun.
A total of 24 students from five partner countries are participating in the Winter School: Slovakia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Finland, and Greece.
The goal is to provide students with comprehensive theoretical knowledge linked to practical skills in preparing a sustainable tourism concept in the conditions of a particular location during the following eight days. In connection with the goal, the first part of the on-site phase of Winter School takes place in the Mojmírovce chateau, where students actively participate in lectures, methodological activities, and practical workshops with experts and stakeholders to analyze the initial situation of the given location and then propose and present their innovative solutions.
The second part of the on-site phase will take place in Nitra, where students will continue with the lectures and group activities accompanied by the campus tour and cultural program.
In addition to theoretical knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism, students will have the opportunity to work on a concrete, practical case through specific methodological activities, such as mind mapping, critical analysis of a website, multi-stakeholder analysis, or the logical framework approach, the expected output of the Winter School is mainly the support of the critical-thinking and the soft-skills development of the students.