Chile (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) Nicole Jenne is the new director of the UC Center for Asian Studies

The political scientist and academic from the UC Institute of Political Science will lead the UC Center for Asian Studies (CEA-UC) for the next three years, being the first woman to lead the unit since its creation in 2011.
The doctor in Political Science of the European University Institute and associate professor of the Institute of Political Science UC , Nicole Jenne , took over as the new director of the Center for Asian Studies UC . This Center’s mission is research, teaching and extension on topics related to Asia, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge that is held in our country and in the region about the different Asian countries.
The current head of the Diploma Program in International Security Challenges and Governance arrived at the UC Institute of Political Science in 2016, focusing her academic career in the area of International Relations and international security, with an emphasis on regional security dynamics. Her topics of interest are inter-state conflicts, territorial disputes, cooperation between secondary powers and the role of statehood in the formulation of foreign policy.
Her works have been published in specialized magazines in North America, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, such as the Journal of Peace Research , European Journal of International Security , Contemporary Security Policy , Relations of the Asia Pacific, Armed Forces & Society and Review of International Studies , among others. His first book “Asian military evolutions” (Bristol University Press, 2023) is expected to be published next year, in conjunction with Professor Alan Chong of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies .
The professor has also collaborated with universities and research centers of international prestige, such as the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) of Madrid, the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and the University of the Andes (Colombia), among other institutions.
She is currently Associate Editor of Contemporary Security Policy, Co-Chair of the Defense, Public Security and Democracy Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) and is an affiliated professor at the UC Center for International Studies. Between 2019 and 2022 she was Head of the UC Political Science Master’s Program.
“ I assume the direction with the purpose of creating a community in the CEA-UC, of integrating those who are linked to the Center as collaborators and collaborators, also including doctoral and post-doctoral students who work on Asian issues, both from our Faculty and from the University , and supporting activities such as the first Congress of undergraduate students to be held in December”, highlighted the new director when occupying this position.
An interdisciplinary workspace
The UC Center for Asian Studies had its origins in the Asian Studies Program, created in 1996, under the umbrella of the Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science., since its early years being the space to promote interdisciplinary research on Asia at the UC. His work has resulted in a large number of publications, seminars, extension programs, and continuing education, as well as through undergraduate and graduate teaching for UC students, academics, and various professionals, with a strong stamp on interdisciplinary cooperation. and international. “I would venture to say that the UC undergraduate Certificate in Asian Studies is the only one in the region with a distinctive focus on Asian issues,” Professor Jenne proudly noted.
For the academic, “CEA-UC is the ideal place for interdisciplinary work. We have moved from multidisciplinary to interdisciplinary to respond to problems that are complex, that have different edges and dimensions, in priority areas such as Trans-Pacific relations, peace and conflict studies, and Asian culture and thought . Throughout these years, the Center has also strengthened ties with universities and international study centers through joint research and exchange of researchers to strengthen the position of UC in Asia and of Asian studies in Latin America”, he detailed.