Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia paid a working visit to MIPT

Phystech today is one of the leaders in the industry of microelectronics and instrumentation. MIPT intensively develops the areas of sensors, high-performance memory, telecommunications, cybersecurity and energy efficiency.
In November 2022, the Interuniversity Consortium “Scientific Instrumentation” was formed in Russia. Its goal is the development and creation of domestic scientific instruments for civil purposes. Participating universities have concluded agreements /agreements with partners on the development of specific devices (for example, MIPT works with IEF UrB RAS, IMH RAS, IFTT RAS, Skoltech). The end result of such cooperation will be design documentation, on the basis of which the production of relevant devices will be launched.
MIPT is the coordinator of the Consortium in the following areas: optical lithography; electron lithography and microscopy; mass spectrometry; spectroscopy; equipment for the creation and measurement of magnetic fields; vacuum equipment; cryogenic equipment; equipment for genomic research; equipment for registration of high-frequency and fast-flowing processes. A roadmap for the development of new power plants for transport based on electrochemical storage devices (accumulators) has been created and its implementation has begun. A project has been prepared to create a specialized technological center for Hybrid Microelectronics on the basis of MIPT.
Concepts for programmes/projects for the development of technologies are also under preparation: atomic layer deposition and printed electronics; remote sensing of the Earth, research and development in the interests of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
According to the participants of the workshop, the university has a huge potential for the formation and conduct of large projects. Their logic is in the formation of “development-production-supply” chains in the relevant areas.
“The more cooperatives we form, the better. The University is open to partnerships both in academia and in industry. You are for industry as a kind of Center for collective use in a global sense, due to the possession of your scientific and technical capabilities. It is necessary to continue to build such an ideology – openness, accessibility, dialogue with everyone, of course, in compliance with business ethics,” Vasily Shpak emphasized during the working meeting.
Experimental design production is a mandatory step in the development of technologies before putting on industrial capacity. The result of this stage is the working design documentation and proven technological processes.
“We consider research in the field of microelectronics as an important vector of the institute’s development strategy not from the point of view of prestige, but from the point of view of creating a platform for specialists who will be the initiators of projects ready for scaling and serial industrial implementation. The development of applied areas is now a priority for us, so new structures will be created within Phystech to solve these problems. Already this year, it was decided to create an institute of quantum technologies, which will deal with all problems related to microelectronics, instrumentation, quantum computing and communications,” MIPT Rector Dmitry Livanov said during a meeting of the working group.
At the moment, MIPT is developing concepts of research institutes that will expand the range of projects being implemented. The pilot will be an institute created for the development of new technologies, materials and devices in electronics based on promising methods of atomic layer deposition, printed electronics and others, on the basis of the Phystech School of Electronics, Photonics and Molecular Physics. Its main goal will be the consolidation of project teams in the field of creating domestic electronics products and the elimination of technological gaps in microelectronics. The institute will be established before the end of 2022.