Japan (Keio University) President Itoh Participates in the 18th Japan-Korea Millennium Forum

The 18th Japan-Korea Millennium Forum was held at Yonsei University from October 31 to November 1, 2022. This is the first time the Millennium Forum has been held in person in the three years since 2019.
The Forum was launched in 2002 as an opportunity for the presidents and other members of four of the leading private universities from Japan and Korea—Keio University, Waseda University, Korea University, and Yonsei University—to strengthen their mutual relationships and meet up on a yearly basis. The venue rotates between the schools each time it is held. The theme for this year’s gathering was “How to Respond to Climate Change and Energy Transition.” Keio University was represented by President Kohei Itoh, Vice-President Motohiro Tsuchiya, Professor Ryo Omura of the Faculty of Science and Technology, and Professor Koichiro Tanaka from the Graduate School of Media and Governance.
During the presidents’ session, representatives from the universities discussed “The Roles of Universities, Communities, and Governments” while the students’ session focused on “Climate Change and Energy Transition from a Younger Generation’s Perspective.” For the researchers’ session, professors and faculty held a panel discussion to delve into “Perspectives from Universities and Communities” and “Korea and Japan’s Respective Perspectives.” The four universities also held a ceremony to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for an Online Joint Lecture Collaboration.