Imam Abu Hanifa Islamic Institute (Tajikistan) Scientific and Cultural Meeting “Arabic language brings us together” with the Participation of Scientists from the United Arab Emirates
In connection with the visit of scientists from the United Arab Emirates to the Republic of Tajikistan, a scientific and cultural conference “The Arabic language brings us together” was held at the Institute. At this meeting, the Rector of the Islamic Institute of Tajikistan named after Imam Azam-Abuhanifa Nu’amon bin Sobit Asomuddinzoda T.I., guests – scientists of the United Arab Emirates and teachers of the Islamic Institute of Tajikistan named after Imam Azam-Abuhanifa Nu’amon bin Sobit, as well as in the performance of students two the scene was shown in Arabic, which gave the audience a moment of spiritual nourishment. Needless to say, the guests visited the educational classrooms, the publishing house, and the exhibition of the students’ handicrafts, and at the same time, they were delighted to see the display of their scientific books. The return visit of the guests of the United Arab Emirates is due to the fact that 2018 has been declared by the Founder of National Peace and Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan – the Year of Development of Tourism and Folk Crafts. Related to this in the cultural partundefined this event was a trip to the landscape of the vineyard of Alijon village, Tursunzoda city, where the guests took many impressions of paradise Tajikistan.