Hadhramout University (Yemen) Conclusion of Debates Within the Life Skills Program of University Women

The debates within the life skills program for university women at Hadhramout were concluded at Bakatheer hall in University Presidency. It was implemented by Basma Foundation for Child Development and Woman in partnership with the universities of Hadhramout and Seiyun, funded by Al-Awn Foundation for Development.
Dr. Salem Muhammad Bin Salman; HU Assistant Vice President for Students Affairs indicated that these debates are within the activities that the university seeks to implement them among students to build them as future leaders. He thanked Basma Foundation for Child Development and Woman for implementing this program and Al-Awn Foundation for Development for its support.
From his part, Mr. Abdullah Maqidhan delivered a speech in which he expressed the appreciation of Al-Awn Foundation in participating in this project. He also indicated that this project targeted 6 Yemeni universities to expand the students’ perceptions and self-confidence, improving the art of rhetoric and Persuasion, thanking all those who contributed to the success of this project.
On his side, Mr. Zaki Ba-maabed; representative of Basma Foundation indicated in his speech that today is the conclusion of the second stage of this project and the preparations are underway for the third stage of this project. He congratulated all the participants in this project and all the parties contributed to the success of this project.
After that the debates began between the two parties about the idea of university education in which the attendees belief that the university education of females doesn’t meet the skill needs of the labor market.
At the end of the debates Prof. Salem Muhammad Bin Salaman, Mr. Abdullah Maqidhan, Muhammad Ahmed Bin Obaidon; Chairperson of Basma Foundation for Child Development and Woman, Mr. Zaki Ba-maabed and the judging committee honored the winning team with gold medals.
This activity was attended by Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Obthany; Vice President for Students Affairs, Dr. Adel Basdes; Director of HU Students Training Center, Academics, Students and Professors.