Ethiopia (Ethiopian Civil Service University) ECSU Council Evaluates the 2014 E.C Annual Plan Performance

- Ethiopian Civil Service University Council held two days annual work plan performance evaluation from 14 to 15 July 2022 at Abay Hall. The Top Management, Deans of Colleges, Academic and Administrative Supports Directors and Team Leaders have participated in the evaluation program.
At the opening of the evaluation program Professor Fikre Dessalegn, Ethiopian Civil Service University president, welcomed the council members and noted that the meeting has two great significances that aimed at evaluating the overall performance of the university in 2021/2022 academic year and discussing the draft 2022/2023 academic year plan to further enrich it by incorporating the ideas and comments from the council members. He also noted that the four years term in each division of the vice presidents has been completing and urged the council to actively participate and deeply evaluate their achievements, strengths and weakness in a genuine and value-adding manner.
On the two days evaluation, the Academic, Training and Consultancy and Research and Community Service vice presidents presented their four years plan performance and major achievements and challenges they faced in leading their respective divisions based on selected criteria . The Administration and Student’s service vice president and President’s Office Directorate Director also presented their respective annual work plan performance reports. On the program, it is indicated that the university has accomplished major achievement in different aspects such as completion of huge construction projects, customers’ satisfaction, annual budget utilization, the teaching learning process, training and consultancy services, research and community services etc.
On the other hand, Dr. Abrham Hagosse, Director for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, presented the draft plan for the 2022/2023 academic year. According to Dr. Abrham the draft plan was prepared based on the vision, mission and core values of the university, the ten year strategic plan of the university, the new arrangement of the ECSU’s accountability to the Ministry of Education , the performance of the last year plan and other issues .
The house raised different questions and held extensive discussion on the reports presented by each academic and administration wings and directorate as well as the new draft plan.