Comenius University (Slovakia) Student associations receive funding for their activities

Bratislava, 5 December 2022: The student associations at Comenius University Bratislava will share 25,000 euros this year. Students could apply for grants for their extracurricular activities in education, sports, or community building. The university approved 19 grant applications out of the total of 26 received. Supporting students is one of the priorities of the current rector Marek Števček, who launched this scheme two years ago.
One of the projects which received support is the TROJSTEN association operating at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics. It will use the grant to restore existing and purchase new technical equipment, to be used during its training sessions and competitions.
The Slovak Association of Dentistry Students will use the grant money to buy virtual reality equipment, enabling the association to improve the quality of its extensive educational and awareness-raising activities. The equipment will be installed in the association’s meeting room and will help develop educational activities for students.
Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences wants to publish a short manual for constructing various birdhouses, describing the most common types of cavity nesters using every kind of birdhouse, and explaining how to maintain and adequately place the birdhouses.
The university also decided to support the 2023 Career Days of Pharmacists organized by the Slovak Association of Pharmacy Students. The event aims to introduce career opportunities to pharmacy students, mediate the initial contact of future employees with their employers, and promote career opportunities at distribution or pharmaceutical companies.
SEJK – The Association of Hungarian Medics in Bratislava will use the financial support to organize popular and successful events, develop new educational visions, buy books for the association’s library and procure teaching aids for the surgical suturing course.
Last year, the university approved grants to the Gymnik folk art ensemble to buy costumes and organized an event to celebrate its 60th anniversary; the Association of Bratislava Medics to purchase professional equipment, and the Družba 17 Boxing Association bought sports equipment for its gym.
“We are pleased that even in these difficult times we can support our student associations, which are doing a great job. They show us that university study is not only about lectures and lab classes, but also about self-actualisation by trying to make the world around you better. We do our best to give support to such activities, because they are an inherent part of our university world.” said the rector of Comenius University, Marek Števček.